历史 & 人文系

The 历史 Department at Knox strives to teach students to “think like a historian.” The development of historical thinking skills aids students in their understanding of primary and secondary source research and encourages them to think independently and critically. The 历史 department achieves this goal through critical analysis of sources, 学生讨论, 以及写作的发展. The 历史 department also works to create 21st Century learners by encouraging a collaborative environment amongst students and allowing students choice in creatively expressing their knowledge.

世界历史I, H(9):早期人类历史至1750年
两年制课程的第一阶段, students explore a chronology from Ancient Times to the First Global Era (ending about 1750 CE), organized around several key 主题 and 概念: Early Civilizations (4,公元前1000年- 1,600 CE); Empires of the Ancient World (to 200 CE); and Regional Civilizations (to 1,200 CE). 在研究早期公共时代时, students gain an understanding of early empires and other civilizations around the globe. 学生们还研究了非洲奴隶贸易等问题, 不同民族之间的文化交流, 以及全球趋势. 对地理的理解, 历史, economic systems and 政治 机构 as well as social and cultural elements basic to the study of 人类发展 will be cultivated. 在这一年中, 学生们批判性地思考这些问题和其他问题, 在这个过程中, develop important intellectual and analytical tools from structuring an argument and academic composition to research and oral presentation skills.

The second phase of the two-year World 历史 and Geography sequence, students will explore major turning points in the shaping of the modern world, from the time period of the Age of Absolutism and the Enlightenment to the modern day. 强调地理, 文化基础, 经济学, 以及欧洲大陆的政治制度, 非洲, 亚洲和美洲是本年度课程的特色. 研究主题包括:启蒙运动和革命, 工业主义与全球新时代, 世界大战和革命, 关注时事, 哪些与过去的事件有联系. 先决条件: 世界历史I或同等水平的9年级历史课.

U.S. 历史,H/ ap预科(11)
United States 历史 and Government is the study of the inception and development of American representative democratic and 政治 traditions. 这门课程以人为本, 地理, 美国文化价值观的发展, 社会制度, 以及全球关系. 学生主修社会, 政治, 以及美国历史上的宗教发展, and are required to use a variety of intellectual and critical thinking skills to demonstrate their understanding of major 的想法, 时代, 主题, 发展和转折点. 先决条件: 世界历史II或同等的10年级历史课.

U.S. Government and Politics is a class designed to acquaint students with the origins, 概念, 组织, 以及美国政府和政治制度的政策. 美国.S. Constitution and its Amendments will be examined and students will investigate the development and sweep of civil rights and liberties. Significant 最高法院的判决 will be analyzed to demonstrate the impact and importance of constitutional rights. Students are guided through the function of government today and the role of citizens in the civic process. They will also engage in disciplinary practices that require them to read and interpret data, 进行比较和应用, 并提出基于证据的论点. 先决条件: U.S. 历史或同等学历的11年级历史课.

Students who are interested in further challenging themselves and in earning Honors/pre-AP credit are placed based on their grades and teacher recommendations, 由教务长最终批准.  这些课程需要学术技能, 更多的时间和精力投入, 以及对学习的渴望.  Students must maintain a grade of 85% or above to remain in Honors and pre-AP.

This course integrates micro and macro 经济学 and personal finance 概念 to help students better understand the implications of economic events and make informed financial decisions. Students will examine the basic types of economic systems with an emphasis on the American capitalistic economic theory and its implementation and development. The course introduces economic reasoning as well as techniques and 流程 of thinking used by economists. 重点是关于生产的基本原则, 消费, 商品和服务的分配(稀缺问题). 学生分析供给的相互作用, 需求, 和价格, 指导家庭经济的原则, 商业的经济组织, 农业与劳动力, 以及国民经济. The course also incorporates instruction in personal financial literacy.

美联社心理学 is a social science course recognized by the College Board and gives students a foundation in the major areas of study in psychology, 包括, 但不限于:科学方法, 生物心理学, 人类发展, 认知, 以及个体和群体的行为差异. The focus of this course is to help students understand psychology as a scientific discipline, as well as to increase the student’s confidence in discussing and writing about psychological principles in a scientific manner. 这门课有时会是一个密集的阅读和写作项目. 它的设计相当于大学心理学课程. Expectations for this class will be high and the assignments are meant to be challenging. 有时, this will require exceptional time management skills and additional hours outside of class to complete assignments and meet grade expectations. This course is designed to develop and build upon complex practices and learn collegiate level foundational skills.

This course will offer students a foundation in the American legal system. Students will learn and master the basics of reading and analyzing laws and applying them properly to relevant cases. This will springboard into reading and analyzing cases for important and key details to make a proper case based on the applicable laws and write case decisions. 一旦掌握了基本的分析和写作技巧, the class will move on to learn an understanding of the process of court proceedings through Mock Trials.

A.P. U.S. 《博彩网址大全》提供大学水平的入门课程, 主要政治概念的无党派介绍, 的想法, 机构, 政策, 的相互作用, 角色, 和行为s that characterize the constitutional system and 政治 culture of the United States. 学生将学习U.S. 基本的文件, 最高法院的判决, and other texts and visuals to gain an understanding of the relationships and 的相互作用 among 政治 机构, 流程, 和行为. They will also engage in disciplinary practices that require them to read and interpret data, 进行比较和应用, 并提出基于证据的论点. 先决条件: 成功完成荣誉课程/ ap大学预科课程.S. 历史和AP委员会的批准.

Students who are interested in further challenging themselves and in earning Honors/pre-AP credit are placed based on their grades and teacher recommendations, 由教务长最终批准.  这些课程需要学术技能, 更多的时间和精力投入, 以及对学习的渴望.  Students must maintain a grade of 85% or above to remain in Honors and pre-AP.



B.A., 历史, Minor, Social Studies Secondary Education – Stony Brook University


历史、经济学 & 政府的老师


MA.青少年特殊教育-圣. 约瑟的大学
B.A、中学教育史-圣. 约瑟的大学

斯蒂芬妮Kilgannon, LMHC, CASAC-T, CAMS-II


